Un altro spread: competitività e inflazione

Participation in a currency area makes the internal inflation differential among the member countries decisive for the competitiveness of the respective production systems. The history of Italy teaches us that the recovery of this gap requires deflationary policies that, in the absence of a targeted public intervention in terms of investment and innovation, accentuate the weakness of economic growth.

Lo sfruttamento della manodopera straniera in agricoltura e il caso di Rosarno

This study analyzes the exploitation of foreign labor in Italian agriculture, focusing on the case of Rosarno. Since the 1990s, the presence of migrants has allowed the main agricultural districts to intensify production, even though many migrants have been employed irregularly. Rosarno has become known for a widespread system of violence, exploitation, and social and housing marginalization, which mainly affected migrants. Despite protests and legislative intervention, such as the “Rosarno Law” to counter illegal hiring, the system has remained rooted in the local economy. In this study, starting from a detailed analysis, local and international experiences will be cited which have proposed alternative models of ethical and profitable agricultural production. As is known, Calabria’s economy is extremely fragile, marked by intense emigration flows for over a century. This factor has strongly influenced the infrastructural, economic, and social development of its small and very small centres, which in 80% of cases suffer the consequences of depopulation, abandonment and lack of services. Some of these cities, starting from the end of the 90s in conjunction with the influx of migrants arriving on their coasts, have implemented reception projects that are celebrated today as models, such as nearby Riace.

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