Visioni “minimaliste” della disoccupazione
The aim of this paper is twofold: (i) to highlight the macroeconomic benefits of strengthening public administration, with particular reference to the provision of welfare goods and services; and (ii) to propose finding resources for its financing through the rationalization of the system of tax incentives provided to the private sector, in view of the main findings of the available empirical evidence attesting to their ineffectiveness with regard to employment impacts and their redistributive effects to the detriment of wage labor and the South.
This study analyzes the exploitation of foreign labor in Italian agriculture, focusing on the case of Rosarno. Since the 1990s, the presence of migrants has allowed the main agricultural districts to intensify production, even though many migrants have been employed irregularly. Rosarno has become known for a widespread system of violence, exploitation, and social and housing marginalization, which mainly affected migrants. Despite protests and legislative intervention, such as the “Rosarno Law” to counter illegal hiring, the system has remained rooted in the local economy. In this study, starting from a detailed analysis, local and international experiences will be cited which have proposed alternative models of ethical and profitable agricultural production. As is known, Calabria’s economy is extremely fragile, marked by intense emigration flows for over a century. This factor has strongly influenced the infrastructural, economic, and social development of its small and very small centres, which in 80% of cases suffer the consequences of depopulation, abandonment and lack of services. Some of these cities, starting from the end of the 90s in conjunction with the influx of migrants arriving on their coasts, have implemented reception projects that are celebrated today as models, such as nearby Riace.
The purpose of this study is to explore current issues concerning Italy’s economic conditions from an international context.
Although the topic has already been abundantly discussed, it is felt that it should be analyzed and studied not only from a legal/institutional perspective but also and above all from an economic perspective. Therefore, the present study aims to broaden the scope of research by advancing the field through the study of the RdC institution from a macroeconomic point of view, therefore considered simply as an anti-crisis fiscal policy instrument to demonstrate its effectiveness.
To do this, a whole series of macroeconomic indicators will be analyzed by means of a quantitative survey that, through a graphical representation, will highlight the economic repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic and the role assumed in this regard by the Citizenship Income in terms of its capacity to affect the real economy. For this reason, the object of analysis will be the widening of the North-South divide that occurred following the aforementioned pandemic crisis, observing not only some of the most important macroeconomic data on the industrial and productive context of the aforementioned areas, but also and above all through the analysis of the data concerning the RdC, concerning, for example, the number of people involved rather than their place of residence.
La spesa per consumi personali è stata la componente più dinamica della domanda aggregata negli Stati Uniti a partire dalla fine degli anni ‘70. Tra il 1951 e il 1980, il suo rapporto con il PIL è stato in media intorno al 58%, per poi crescere costantemente di 10 punti percentuali, stabilizzandosi dal 2003 al livello più elevato di circa il 68%. A partire dall’inizio della seconda metà degli anni ‘70, la crescita sostenuta della spesa per consumi personali ha compensato sia l’andamento sfavorevole della bilancia commerciale, sia il rallentamento dei consumi pubblici e della spesa lorda per investimenti (la crescita degli investimenti privati è rimasta allineata a quella del prodotto, grazie al peso in rapido aumento degli investimenti in prodotti di proprietà intellettuale che ha controbilanciato un marcato rallentamento degli investimenti in strutture e attrezzature non residenziali).
Il recente interesse per le disuguaglianze di genere, segnalato dalla crescente presenza nei dibatti politici ed economici, è certamente una novità positiva. Per quanto riguarda la narrativa economica (divulgativa e accademica), forse mai come lo scorso anno ci si è concentrati sulla problematica dell’occupazione femminile e della partecipazione delle donne alla forza lavoro, una tematica che ha anche portato l’economista americana Claudia Goldin a ricevere il Premio Nobel per l’economia.
A partire dai lavori di Blanchard e Summers (1986) e, in particolare, di Ball (1997, 1999, 2014), numerosi autori hanno proposto diversi argomenti volti a spiegare come un cambiamento della domanda aggregata possa avere effetti persistenti (e permanenti) sul livello del PIL. Tale fenomeno è noto come isteresi.
The aim of this paper is to provide a preliminary analysis of the data from the 2021 census recently published by Istat and comparing it with the four previous censuses. For the first time, alongside the new data from the 2021 census, we also present the census data from 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2011 for the 155 Districts of Rome. The data refer to all the censuses since the created Districts of Rome in 1977, allowing us to compare the socio-economic changes in the city over the last 40 years. This analysis offers insights into the trends that have characterized the city over almost half a century.
Obiettivo del presente saggio è fornire una prima analisi dei dati del censimento 2021 da poco pubblicati dall’Istat confrontandoli con i quattro censimenti precedenti. Per la prima volta, insieme ai nuovi dati del censimento 2021, presentiamo anche i dati dei censimenti 1981, 1991, 2001 e 2011 per le 155 zone urbanistiche di Roma. Si tratta di tutti i censimenti da quando nel 1977 sono state istituite le zone urbanistiche di Roma, che ci consentono di confrontare gli ultimi 40 anni dei cambiamenti socio-economici della città. Non più quindi solo una fotografia dell’esistente, ma uno sguardo alle tendenze che hanno caratterizzato la città in quasi mezzo secolo. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.