Una ipotesi di rafforzamento della Pubblica Amministrazione nel Mezzogiorno

This paper deals with regional divergences in Italy. It is shown that it depends on phenomena of circular cumulative causation, based on Gunnar Myrdal (1957), amplified by the worsening performance of the public sector in Southern Italy. On the economic policy ground, it is suggested a special plan devoted to hiring workers in the public sector of the South and of incentive to increase productivity.

Fallimenti di mercato a prezzi di mercato, il paradosso della spesa sanitaria e del debito pubblico in Europa

The public debt of some Eurozone countries is today an emergency that risks arriving immediately after the health emergency we are going through. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy has the double effect of cutting the Gross Domestic Product (the tax base from which most of the tax revenue is generated) and increasing public spending due to the increase in demand of health services and the increase in demand for social safety nets. The combined effect of the reduction in revenue and the increase in public spending inevitably generates a greater deficit which adds up to public debt that was already seen as a problem before the pandemic. At present, and unless the European Central Bank intervenes, the interest rates on the debt of some European countries can only grow further. In this way there is the risk of generating a vicious circle that leads to unsustainable paths. But is it acceptable that the state – for the financing of public expenditure – depends on the market?

Spesa sanitaria, austerità e “malattia dei costi” di Baumol

This work highlights the cuts and definitions that have characterized the recent history of the National Health System. It is difficult to argue that fiscal consolidation policies have not had a significant and permanent impact on the availability of resources available to Italian public health. Secondly, through a regression analysis, the main variables that influence the differentials in the number of beds in the various countries are estimated. Even if the estimates reveal a negative relationship between the cost per bed and the number of beds, it is difficult to maintain that this relationship has a causal relationship that goes from the first to the second. The reverse is much more likely to be true.

Verso la moneta digitale pubblica: l’audacia di Christine Lagarde e la prudenza di Mario Draghi

Libra | Christine Lagarde, attuale direttore del Fondo Monetario Internazionale e prossimo Presidente della Banca Centrale Europea, vorrebbe che le banche centrali adottassero rapidamente sistemi di emissione di […]

Spesa in deficit, debito pubblico e mercati finanziari

This article discusses the importance of the intertemporal constraint on the government budget for financially integrated market economies, and emphasizes the need for governments to ensure the sustainability of their liabilities as a precondition for the effective use of fiscal policy for anti-cyclical purposes. The paper concludes discussing the implications of the budget constraint for Italy’s fiscal policy, including under the hypothesis of the country exiting the euro.

Acqua pubblica tra referendum e mercato

The Council of State, with the judgment no. 2481/2017, decided definitively that the tariff setting methodology for water supply used by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water is formally correct. This decision cancels the result of the second 2011 referendum on public water service out because it says that users have to pay an interest on invested capital. How much they actually have to pay is determined by the market.

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