Spesa sanitaria, austerità e “malattia dei costi” di Baumol

This work highlights the cuts and definitions that have characterized the recent history of the National Health System. It is difficult to argue that fiscal consolidation policies have not had a significant and permanent impact on the availability of resources available to Italian public health. Secondly, through a regression analysis, the main variables that influence the differentials in the number of beds in the various countries are estimated. Even if the estimates reveal a negative relationship between the cost per bed and the number of beds, it is difficult to maintain that this relationship has a causal relationship that goes from the first to the second. The reverse is much more likely to be true.

Il mercato del lavoro in Italia prima dello tsnuami Covid-19….e dopo?

The measures in support of income that the Government and Regions have implemented, in an initial phase for some categories, an important but not at all influencing signal for growth in employment. We must intervene through “agile” public and private investments; production deficit, intelligent employment, for example in online services thanks to new technologies, which has the courage to eliminate occupational fouling and convert entire generations of workers used to stamping the tag.

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