Per superare la crisi occorre fare dell’Helicopter Money emettendo Titoli di Sconto Fiscale

La Commissione europea dovrebbe agire con urgenza per far fronte alla recessione economica in atto: ma, soprattutto in questo momento, impegnata a discutere il bilancio europeo, la Commissione europea difficilmente interverrà con prontezza e in maniera efficace. È difficile che la Commissione europea ribalterà la tradizionale politica di austerità. Quindi l’aiuto della Commissione Europea – ammesso e non concesso che ci sarà – sarà molto limitato. Anche se la Germania allenterà la sua rigida disciplina fiscale, la ripresa dell’Europa sarà incerta. Vi è il rischio evidente che le azioni decise dalla Commissione europea per contrastare la crisi giungano troppo tardi e siano del tutto insufficienti.

Con o senza l’Europa: economisti italiani per un piano “anti-virus”

Versione italiana del documento With or without Europe: Italian Economists for an “anti-virus” plan, pubblicato Il 13 marzo 2020 dal Financial Times, a firma di Emiliano Brancaccio e […]

Le determinanti della produttività del lavoro nell’Area Euro

The economic policy implications deriving from the analysis of the productivity determinants of the manufacturing industry in the Euro Area go in the opposite direction from the recipes indicated by “mainstream” economists in the aftermath of the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis (and summarized by the triad : deconstruction of the labor market, fiscal austerity and privatizations). The reabsorption of the structural imbalances that characterize the countries of the area requires a coordinated plan of public investments in the peripheries that favors the adoption of a production model based on research and innovation, and therefore on international cooperation, rather than on wage deflation and competition between “neighbors”.

I rischi del sistema bancario ombra

Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the shadow banking system has drawn the attention of international institutions and academic community for its central role in the break-out of the global financial crisis. During the last decades, the shadow banking system considerably grew in size, especially in advanced economies, spreading across the real sector of the economy through its intertwined relationships with the traditional banking system, households and non-financial corporations. The aim of the present paper is to examine the evolution of the shadow banking universe and to provide some tools for the comprehension of a booming phenomenon, strongly blamed for representing one of the main causes of the recent global turmoil and for posing grave threats to financial and economic stability. Hence, following a deductive approach, the work concludes with some remarks on the risks connected to the shadow banking system as well as on the functions of monetary and fiscal authorities. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.