Perché il Movimento 5 stelle ha perso le elezioni europee?

The universal basic income has been the flagship policy for the MoVimento 5 Stelle since the 2018 electoral campaign. Indeed its promise to be implemented seems to have been a decisive element for the political affirmation of that party in the ballot. After the implementation of the policy, the so-called grillini just one year later have seen a great reduction in their constituency. Is it due to a discontent for the implementation of the policy? Was its importance overestimate since the 2018 analysis of electoral outcome? Or the political and European elections are not really comparable? This paper aim to shed some light on the phenomenon answering to these questions, proposing a formal analysis of the correlation between votes and universal basic income application per Italian province.

Bilancia dei pagamenti e squilibri nell’eurozona: cosa occorrerebbe fare

In this article the divergences within the euro area are examined in the light of balance-of-payments imbalances recorded in the TARGET2 balances of the individual countries. It emerges that countries with positive values ​​of the target balances (surpluses) have lower interest rates than the Euro area average and countries with negative values ​​(deficits) have higher than average rates. Furthermore, an inverse relationship also emerges between balance of payments balances and poverty. The centralized measures of monetary policy and quantitative easing, together with fiscal restrictions for countries in deficit seem not to have resolved these differences and a new strategy is proposed to reduce divergences. This strategy, inspired by the post-war Keynes plan, should include expansionary measures for the creditor countries, such as: 1) fiscal expansion; 2) increase in money wages and 3) direct foreign investment in countries in difficulty.

Realfonzo a FuoriTG: l’irrazionalità dei vincoli europei [video]

Guarda il video alla fine dell’articolo Austerità Significato | Riccardo Realfonzo negli studi di Rai 3 al programma Fuori Tg decodifica per il grande pubblico i complessi meccanismi […]

I torti della Commissione e quelli del Governo. Ovvero come uscire dalla crisi

Infrazione Italia 2019 | La Commissione Europa minaccia una procedura di infrazione contro l’Italia per il mancato rispetto della regola del debito. Una regola assurda e irrealizzabile, non […] utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.