Le Vere Cause della Vittoria di Donald Trump | Perri e Komlos

Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election was determined by the change in the majority of three “battleground” states that have gone from voting for the Democratic Party to vote for the Republican one. However, reducing this result to a protest vote in addition to being simplistic turns out to be completely wrong. The Trump presidency is the result of a series of social and economic dynamics that have developed over more than three decades and have profoundly transformed American society, probably irreversibly.

America Latina: cosa fare dopo l’arretramento progressista

In Latin America, with the end of the ambitious economic policies of the last twenty years, a treacherous resignation can creep into theories and practices of the left movements and parties. Two general answers seem possible: to accept the economic system as given and waiting for structural and radical changes, as claimed by Frank, or interpreting the economic system as a contingent and contradictory process, according to the indications of Hirschman. The possibilities of ransom for progressive and socialists’ economic policies can depend on the way to elaborate the recent defeats.

Rapporto debito-Pil e moltiplicatori fiscali: il caso della manovra italiana

The estimations of the value of fiscal multipliers are an issue strongly debated by macroeconomic literature. Given the goal to reduce the debt/GDP ratio, this article shows the linkage between this ratio and the value of fiscal multipliers, emphasising that the composition of the recent Italian fiscal measures also matters.

Case popolari a Roma: un caso da manuale di esclusione sociale | Politiche abitative

The aspect that characterizes public housing in Rome is social inequality respect of the rest of the city. The index of “social disease” calculated on the basis of unemployment, employment, youth concentration and schooling, making zero the Roman average, is equal to 12.6

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