Growth forecast errors during the euro crisis: what was the cause? | Keynesian Multiplier

What was the cause of the serious growth forecast errors during the Euro crisis? According to the former IMF Chief economist Olivier Blanchard it was an underestimation of the “Keynesian multipliers”, which also led to understate the contractionary effects of austerity. Alberto Alesina, Carlo Favero and Francesco Giavazzi aim for a confutation of this argument and in their new book suggest an alternative interpretation. Emiliano Brancaccio and Fabiana De Cristofaro – author and co-author of “Anti-Blanchard Macroeconomics” – take side with the French economist this time, providing new empirical evidence that supports his point.

Working poor | Lavoro e povertà: le conseguenze della flessibilità

This article highlights the relationship between labor market deregulation and the number of workers living in absolute poverty in 15 countries of the European Union.

Venezia e ticket di accesso: il cuore della città da bene pubblico a bene escludibile

The faculty a recent law has given to the Venice Municipality to establish a day-tripper entrance ticket to the insular/inner city is a new arrival onto the panorama − at least, the Italian panorama − of urban policies. The adoption of a system of differentiated tariffs based on time for the whole range of touristic services (RTZ-pass, tourist tax, museums and exhibitions tickets and so on) appears hence to be a more suitable and viable tool.

Regionalismo differenziato: disarticolazione dello Stato e lesione del principio di uguaglianza

Autonomy of regions is a danger for Italy: it would end up withdrawing the State from strategic sectors for the national economic system with negative consequences on the competitiveness of the whole country. utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.