Cybersecurity e vulnerabilità del fattore umano

In recent times decision makers have devoted a lot of attention to cyber threats since cybersecurity is a prerequisite for the good functioning of an increasing number of economic and non-economic activities. The effectiveness of legislative and control measures, however, depends on individual behaviours. In the absence of individual awareness and knowledge, increasing spaces for vulnerability open up. This paper aims to deepen the research on individual behaviours in the field of cybersecurity, in the awareness that the research does not yet devote the necessary attention to these phenomena. The results show a widespread vulnerability, even among more educated people who are supposed to be less likely fake news believers.

Perché dopo la crisi del 2008 l’agenda neoliberale è ancora dominante?

Neoliberismo | Massimo De Minicis | La crisi del 2008 ha dimostrato che le politiche economiche mainstream sono dannose e fallimentari, ma la “retorica” neoliberale riesce ancora dominare […]

Riforme che tolgono diritti e crescita del populismo

Recently, the reform season has removed, each time, something: less work, less retirement, fewer rights. At least apparently. The sense of the reform takes second place with respect to the effects. People remember these last and develop a less favorable attitude to change. In this paper, author tries to identify what distinguishes the reformists from the conservatives, the exceptions present and their perception.

Stagnazione Secolare: politiche fiscali inadeguate o trappola della liquidità?

The present work reconstructs the recent debate among Stiglitz, Summers and Krugman about the origins of the American economic stagnation and discusses two elements. The first regards the birth of the Secular Stagnation theory, the second the role of aggregate demand within it.

Fondo Monetario Internazionale e Italia: raccomandazioni da maneggiare con cura

Fondo Monetario Internazionale Secondo il FMI l’Italia dovrebbe riprendere il percorso delle riforme strutturali e del consolidamento fiscale, ma si tratta di ricette che continuano a dimostrarsi inefficaci e […] utilizza cookies propri e di terze parti per migliorare la navigazione.